An Analysis of Construction Spending
in the Pharmaceutical & Biotech Industry, 2015-20
National Report
Overarching Stats
Total Construction Spending
Total Construction Spending
Labor Hours
by Trade
Labor Hours
by Trade
Union Labor Hours
by State
Union Labor Hours
by State

Total Construction Spending: 2015-2020, 14-State Total
Private-sector construction spending by the pharmaceutical and biotech industry increased every year across the 14-state area, starting at $3.9 billion in 2015 and increasing to $6.1 billion in 2020. A significant spike in private-sector investment occurred in 2019, effectively predating the COVID-19 pandemic. IIR estimates that industry construction spending will increase to $6.5 billion in 2021 and will remain above $5 billion annually through 2025.

Labor Hours by Trade (2015 – 2020)
The biopharmaceutical industry required 58.7 million labor hours from construction workers on facilities across 14 trades from 2015-2020.

Union Labor Hours: State Overview (2015 – 2020)
Union hours are estimated by multiplying the total number of labor hours demanded by each state’s union density in non-residential construction. The results show that the biopharmaceutical industry required a minimum of 22.3 million union labor hours to build and renovate facilities between 2015 and 2020.

Union Earnings: State Overview (2015 – 2020)
The biopharmaceutical industry required at least 22.3 million labor hours by union workers in the 14 states studied from 2015 – 2020. This yields a minimum of $774 million in worker earnings in addition to tens of millions of dollars in funding for union health insurance and pension benefits. The conservative nature of these estimates is due to statistical limitations - the full impact of the industry on union construction hours and earnings is likely to be substantially higher than projections.

Projects Overview: 2015-2020, 14-State Total
There were 447 major private-sector biopharmaceutical construction projects ($5M+) under construction at any point between 2015-2020. The report estimates these projects equated to $23.6 billion in industry investment in those 14 states.
Union Earnings
by State
Union Earnings
by State
Biopharmaceutical Projects Overview
Biopharmaceutical Projects Overview